30 April 2024

Campus Protests: The Kids May Not Be Alright, But They Are (Mostly) Right

I’m too young to remember the campus convulsions of the 1960s, but older friends who were there tell me that the growing campus protest movement against US support for Israel’s war in Palestine bears a striking resemblance to those days. I happen to support that movement’s goals, at least to the extent of wanting to … Continue reading Campus Protests: The Kids May Not Be Alright, But They Are (Mostly) Right → - by Thomas L. Knapp

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29 April 2024

Is US Officialdom Insane?

A foreboding article was published on April 24. It was pointed out that China had provided a berth to a Russian ship Angara that is purportedly “tied to North Korea-Russia arms transfers.” Reuters cited Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) – that boasts of itself to be “the world’s oldest and the UK’s leading defence and […]
The post Is US Officialdom Insane? first appeared on Dissident Voice. - Kim Petersen

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27 April 2024

FTC’s Noncompete Rule: A Poor Solution to a Self-Solving Problem

On April 23, National Public Radio reports, the US Federal Trade Commission voted “to ban nearly all noncompetes, employment agreements that typically prevent workers from joining competing businesses or launching ones of their own.” The ban is largely retroactive, but does exclude existing agreements for the high-salary “senior executives” most people associate with the idea … Continue reading FTC’s Noncompete Rule: A Poor Solution to a Self-Solving Problem → - by Thomas L. Knapp

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26 April 2024

Analysing Belarus’ Claim Of Recently Thwarting Drone Attacks From Lithuania

Analysing Belarus’ Claim Of Recently Thwarting Drone Attacks From Lithuania By Andrew Korybko As it stands, the US isn’t too interested in escalating the NATO-Russian proxy war in Ukraine for domestic electoral reasons, but some actors feel differently. These are anti-Russian... Read More › - Voice of East

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25 April 2024

Gun Safety Reminder: There Are Only Two Kinds of Shootings

On April 15, Hannah Gutierrez-Reed was sentenced to 18 months in prison for involuntary manslaughter over her role in the death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins on the set of Rust, a movie production for which Gutierrez-Reed served as an armorer. Actor Alec Baldwin faces trial in July, on the same charge and regarding the same … Continue reading Gun Safety Reminder: There Are Only Two Kinds of Shootings → - by Thomas L. Knapp

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The DWP is being dragged to COURT over its latest attack on benefits claimants

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) is being taken to court over its latest attacks on benefits claimants. These include changes to how chronically ill and disabled people claim support. It comes against a backdrop of the DWP and government ramping up propaganda against people on benefits – and as the UN accused the […]

By Steve Topple - Steve Topple

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24 April 2024

The Polish President Admitted That A Major Infrastructure Project Has Dual Military Purposes

The Polish President Admitted That A Major Infrastructure Project Has Dual Military Purposes By Andrew Korybko Andrzej Duda inadvertently vindicated those Russian observers who long suspected that this transport megaproject right outside of Warsaw had dual military purposes, thus proving that... Read More › - Voice of East

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French MP hauled before COPS for stating the truth about Israel’s genocide in Gaza

The leader of the left-wing MPs’ coalition in the French parliament was summoned for questioning by police on Tuesday 23 April. It was over an investigation into suspected justification of “terrorism” over comments on 7 October attack by Hamas on Israel. In reality, the politician was stating the truth: that the Hamas attack came off […]

By Steve Topple - Steve Topple

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22 April 2024

A Ukrainian Think Tank’s Survey Proved That People’s Views Towards Poland Are Shifting

A Ukrainian Think Tank’s Survey Proved That People’s Views Towards Poland Are Shifting By Andrew Korybko If the Polish-Ukrainian grain dispute that’s caused by the former’s foreign-majority ownership of its industrial agriculture isn’t soon resolved, then mutual perceptions might unprecedentedly worsen.... Read More › - Voice of East

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Greece just saw massive protests over NATO and the EU’s warmongering and Israel’s genocide in Palestine

On Sunday 21 April massive anti-imperialist events took place all over Greece. They were protesting against Greece’s involvement in US-NATO-EU militarism and the ongoing bloodshed of the Palestinian people. Greece: people standing up to NATO and the EU’s imperialism In Athens a 42km peace march took place along the route of the original Marathon: The […]

By Steve Topple - Steve Topple

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20 April 2024

The US Will Not Support Israeli Attack Against Iran, But Can The Israelis Be Curbed?

The US Will Not Support Israeli Attack Against Iran, But Can The Israelis Be Curbed? By Uriel Araujo The fact that Iran provides weapons to Palestinians is not heinous at all, because a population under “belligerent occupation” (in the wording of... Read More › - Voice of East

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US Foreign Policy: “No Daylight” Is Where Peace Dies In Darkness

“Absent a directed, sustained, and articulated policy of no daylight between the United States and Israel,” Matthew Continetti wrote in the Washington Free Beacon on March 29, “the rift between America and her ally will widen and the world will grow more dangerous.” Proof that Continetti had things completely bass-ackward arrived on April 1, when Israeli aircraft … Continue reading US Foreign Policy: “No Daylight” Is Where Peace Dies In Darkness → - by Thomas L. Knapp

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19 April 2024

Russia’s Request For UNSC Sanctions Against Israel Is A Principled Soft Power Move

Russia’s Request For UNSC Sanctions Against Israel Is A Principled Soft Power Move By Andrew Korybko The sole purpose is to reaffirm the primacy of international law as enshrined in the UN Charter after Israel refused to implement UNSC 2728. Russian... Read More › - Voice of East

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Just Stop Oil just exposed the greenwashing at Earth Fest for all the world to see

Just Stop Oil fundraisers were kicked out of greenwashing Earth Fest for doing anti-capitalist fundraising. Ironic, really, considering the group was one of the few things that was actually addressing the climate crisis properly at the sham Earth Fest. Just Stop Oil: showing up Earth Fest Two Just Stop Oil supporters were forcibly ejected from […]

By Steve Topple - Steve Topple

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18 April 2024

Protesters target the GMC over its complicity in worsening public health

Doctors belonging to the Planetary Health Coalition joined together with members of the public on Thursday 18 April to demonstrate outside the General Medical Council (GMC) in protest at its lack of leadership over the climate crisis‘s dangerous implications for public health. GMC: under fire over public health The theatrical protest saw health workers queuing […]

By Steve Topple - Steve Topple

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Mayorkas Impeachment: Clearly Guilty On One Count (But So Is Congress)

On April 17, the US Senate declined to try Alejandro Mayorkas, US Secretary of Homeland Security, on two articles of impeachment sent by the US House of Representatives. The maneuver involved a majority of the Senate “taking well” two points of order raised by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) to the effect that neither … Continue reading Mayorkas Impeachment: Clearly Guilty On One Count (But So Is Congress) → - by Thomas L. Knapp

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Paris Accuses Moscow Of Implying French Secret Services Helped Crocus City Hall Terrorists

Paris Accuses Moscow Of Implying French Secret Services Helped Crocus City Hall Terrorists By Uriel Araujo France has halted talks with Russia over differing accounts on a phone call pertaining mainly to the Moscow terror attack. Paris is also denying... Read More › - Voice of East

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17 April 2024

CWU is RIGHTLY skeptical over the news Royal Mail could be facing a takeover bid

It looks like beleaguered Royal Mail – everyone’s least-favourite postal service – could be about to be in the midst of a buy-out. The Communication Workers Union (CWU) has given the news a lukewarm response; understandable, given the mess the company has been in for years. Royal Mail: about to be taken over? As the […]

By Steve Topple - Steve Topple

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16 April 2024

The Struggle For Freedom: Comparative Analysis Of Kosovo And Kashmir

The Struggle For Freedom: Comparative Analysis Of Kosovo And Kashmir By Our Special Correspondent “Kashmir is internationally recognized as a disputed territory whose final status is yet to be determined by the people. It is a matter of concern that... Read More › - Voice of East

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Two Different Days, Same Terrible Tax News

As most Americans know, the Internal Revenue Service’s deadline for filing 2023 federal income tax returns fell on April 15 this year. Millions of Americans probably waited until the last minute to file those returns, in part because nobody likes doing the paperwork (even if it’s done on a computer with expert assistance), and in … Continue reading Two Different Days, Same Terrible Tax News → - by Thomas L. Knapp

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14 April 2024

Was Iran’s Response A Dud Or Did It Leave Israel Dumbfounded?

Was Iran’s Response A Dud Or Did It Leave Israel Dumbfounded? By Andrew Korybko Each school of thought has compelling arguments in their support so it’s possible that both are right in their own way. Iran launched a drone and missile barrage against... Read More › - Voice of East

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13 April 2024

The Suffering In Gaza Has Marred The Joy Of Eid For Us: Kashmir American Welfare Association

The Suffering In Gaza Has Marred The Joy Of Eid For Us: Kashmir American Welfare Association By Our Special Correspondent We don’t feel happiness because of sadness in Gaza: KAWA Washington, D.C. – Eid al-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha are two major... Read More › - Voice of East

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11 April 2024

Residents are currently occupying a housing estate and are refusing to leave – marching on landlords TONIGHT

Residents from the Lesnes estate will protest at Bexley Council on Thursday 11 April evening to demand support in their campaign against Peabody’s planned demolition of their homes. It comes after residents and campaigners have occupied an empty house and appeal for supporters to join them to protect an estate made up of a lot […]

By Steve Topple - Steve Topple

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10 April 2024

Cameron is now complicit in Israel’s war crimes. He should face the consequences of his actions.

David Cameron’s announcement that the UK will continue arming Israel is “outrageous and illegal” given the mounting and indisputable evidence that Israel is committing war crimes amounting to genocide. That’s the verdict of one campaign group. David Cameron: yes, let’s keeping fuelling a genocide On Tuesday 9 April, the UK government concluded it can keep […]

By Steve Topple - Steve Topple

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9 April 2024

The US Is Tightening Its Containment Noose Around China In The First Island Chain

The US Is Tightening Its Containment Noose Around China In The First Island Chain By Andrew Korybko The latest military moves prove that America is preparing to “Pivot (back) to Asia” once the NATO-Russian proxy war in Ukraine inevitably ends, which... Read More › - Voice of East

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Pro-Life Voters Shouldn’t Be Surprised By Trump’s New Abortion Statement

Former president Donald Trump disappointed many pro-life voters when, on April 8, he posted a video to  Truth Social discussing his position on abortion. “My view is now that we have abortion where everybody wanted it from a legal standpoint,” he said. “The states will determine by vote or legislation or perhaps both. And whatever … Continue reading Pro-Life Voters Shouldn’t Be Surprised By Trump’s New Abortion Statement → - by Thomas L. Knapp

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8 April 2024

Forced treatments, sectionings, deaths, assisted suicides: the reality of ME/CFS in the UK in just THREE MONTHS of 2024

The NHS killed Sophia Mirza on 15 November 2005. Sophia lived with myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME/CFS). In July 2003, psychiatrists got cops to smash the door into Sophia’s home down and forcibly take her to a secure psychiatric unit, where she was imprisoned against her wishes for two weeks before a tribunal ordered her release. This […]

By Steve Topple - Steve Topple

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7 April 2024

Puntland’s Refusal To Close The Ethiopian Consulate Exposes Mogadishu’s Impotence

Puntland’s Refusal To Close The Ethiopian Consulate Exposes Mogadishu’s Impotence By Andrew Korybko The Federal Government of Somalia’s military toothlessness is responsible for its impotence, but instead of focusing on rectifying the former ahead of the foreseeable terrorist upsurge that’ll follow... Read More › - Voice of East

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6 April 2024

New York: Marijuana Legalization Isn’t As Complicated as Hochul Makes It Out To Be

Legalizing the cultivation, possession, and sale of marijuana seems like buying a goose that lays golden eggs — just pass the law, sit back, and enjoy increased tax revenues and reduced law enforcement costs. Easy peasy, right? Unfortunately, politicians never do something the easy way when they can instead turn the whole process into an … Continue reading New York: Marijuana Legalization Isn’t As Complicated as Hochul Makes It Out To Be → - by Thomas L. Knapp

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5 April 2024

NHS consultants warn it’s not over yet – despite what Tories and the corporate media say

NHS consultants have accepted a government pay offer – while warning that while their official dispute may be over, the Tories (and a Labour government) had better watch their backs. NHS consultants: pay offer accepted Senior hospital doctors in England have accepted a pay offer, bringing an end to strikes and an industrial dispute – […]

By Steve Topple - Steve Topple

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4 April 2024

Who Are Politicians Really Trying to “Protect” from Cultured Meat?

“I know the Legislature is doing a bill to try to protect our meat,” Florida governor Ron DeSantis recently told a college campus audience . “You need meat, OK? And we’re going to have meat in Florida. Like, we’re not going to have fake meat. Like, that doesn’t work.” Florida’s legislature is one of several … Continue reading Who Are Politicians Really Trying to “Protect” from Cultured Meat? → - by Thomas L. Knapp

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3 April 2024

Israel’s Flouting Of UNSC Resolution 2728 Shows The Limits Of International Law

Israel’s Flouting Of UNSC Resolution 2728 Shows The Limits Of International Law By Andrew Korybko The reality of international law is that it’s only ever successfully applied against non-nuclear countries that lack the military capabilities to deter forcible means from being... Read More › - Voice of East

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2 April 2024

Don’t Cry For Free Argentina

Has The New York Times Magazine‘s David Wallace-Wells forgotten the star of Bedtime for Bonzo? Maybe not, but his “Javier Milei Is a New Prophet of Apocalyptic Capitalism” (March 31) never mentions an obvious forerunner of the current president of Argentina. Wallace-Wells finds the tone of Milei’s speech at Davos 2024 on January 18 “vehement” and … Continue reading Don’t Cry For Free Argentina → - by Thomas L. Knapp

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Israel’s Bombing Of The Iranian Consulate In Damascus Was A Strategic Mistake

Israel’s Bombing Of The Iranian Consulate In Damascus Was A Strategic Mistake By Andrew Korybko Israel no longer controls the escalation ladder since its audacious attack pressures Iran to at least symmetrically respond with its own attack against an Israeli consulate... Read More › - Voice of East

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High-ranking psychopaths are pushing for a nuclear war with Russia, seemingly intentionally

If the US leaders wanted to wage a thermonuclear war that would destroy America and the world, we would not be here to talk about it. Presid...

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