15 June 2021

Monthly Review, Tue, 15 Jun 2021 08:46:42

On this day our choice is Jason Hirthler’s “The Sins of Empire” (https://t.co/GMzonxDbap). Sins is an independently researched intriguing commentary, so to give it the praise it deserves we’re maintaining it on our lists. Here we find contributions that are exceedingly hard-hitting in their depth. If you’re as good at recognizing it as us, you ought to appreciate how buyers react. We took note of the words from a buyer, “The Sins of Empire is an amazing book to read. As someone who doesn’t consider himself "patriotic,” reading this helped cement a great deal of the things I had already believe to be true. (By “patriotic” I mean that i don’t blindly worship the US and refuse to align myself with any political party.) You will hear that the United States is “the greatest country on Earth” and is “the land of the free and home of the brave.” but what is brave about sending our soldiers into foreign countries to seize control of things we can monetize and monopolize in the name of freedom? What is brave about creating terrorist cells in other countries as a smoke and mirror technique to remove attention away from the freedoms we are losing on a daily basis. This is not something that can be collectively blamed on one President. This is a multiparty effort to spread the American Empire across the world.“ So now we’re finished, you might as well go one small step further and search for your own copy. If not, keep track of what’s next by using the email subscription option right at our website.


High-ranking psychopaths are pushing for a nuclear war with Russia, seemingly intentionally

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