15 July 2020

Catalyst in detail: Wed, 15 Jul 2020 21:59:24

Time to take a look at this selection from the 2013 Catalyst Thesis: “current 3D printers must be laughably crude compared with what is going to arrive in coming decades. Maybe democratic technological explosions will not totally eliminate global inequality, but they can certainly lessen it more than anything else can. Strides in nanotechnology and the highly consequential synthetic biology (#synbio) of Craig Venter could potentially move the world away from the monopoly-driven economic system to the true free market predicted by Immanuel Wallerstein as the successor to this system. It is not outrageous to suggest nano machines and bio machines may someday be household appliances that shrink the whole production process to be in the hands of the people. With enough sharing, our capacity to help ourselves and our friends will be so great that economics will become the primitive shadow of a word. Freely available tools, however complex and advanced they are when first engineered, may in future be the only things needed to raise all the means of construction and trade right down to the finest circuitry. Such an analysis does not even go into the potential of synthetic biology to effortlessly assemble chemical products like fuel and fertilizers from materials useless in the present day. Unlimited resources may go to the machines building our future.” We have seen the power in the DNA of our technology, and the sin is not to act boldly but to deny the human right to that power. http://www.clubof.info/p/catalyst.html


High-ranking psychopaths are pushing for a nuclear war with Russia, seemingly intentionally

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